Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Medical Myths All About Male Infertility

Most commonly, infertility is seen as a problem only women face. This is false. Men can also be infertile and that’s why Surrogacy Centre India believes in debunking myths about male fertility through education and compassionate care.


Myth 1: Only Women Can Be Infertile


Both genders can be infertile equally. Around 40-50% of infertility cases are caused by problems with the man’s reproductive system or sperm production/delivery systems such as low count (numbers), poor motility(movement), or abnormal morphology(shape).


Myth 2: Male Age Has No Effect on His Ability To Have Children


Men can indeed father children until very old ages but research has shown there are risks associated with doing so after a certain age. For example, such a person may find out he has a low chances of getting a woman pregnant because his sperm quality is poor due to old age which could also cause genetic abnormalities. Also if she does get pregnant then her body might reject this pregnancy since babies born from fathers over 40 tend to be premature and underweight.


Myth 3: A Man’s Lifestyle Choices Do Not Affect His Sperm Health


Smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, and using drugs like marijuana or cocaine affect how many sperm cells a man produces though quantity isn’t the only thing that matters here even quality does. So eating junk food all year combined with no physical exercise could significantly reduce sperm count.


Myth 4: There Is No Way to Increase Male Fertility


There are various treatments available today that can successfully treat many causes behind male infertility either through medical interventions such as surgeries or adopting healthier lifestyles which may involve quitting smoking, losing weight if obese, and eating balanced diets. Furthermore, worldwide infertile couples have been helped to have babies by Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).



So, if you have any questions about male infertility, contact Surrogacy Centre India, the best male infertility treatment centre, today for more clarity on the subject and to get rid of myths about manhood while embracing reality.

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